Envío gratuito a España (península) en 24-48 horas.

How to cancel or modify an order?

  • In case you haven't paid it yet, you can cancel it from your customer panel. Find the order and click on the "Cancear Order" icon. This option is available in all forms of payment with which we count.
  • If you have already made the payment by card, you can modify the order from your customer panel, from the "Modify" option, provided that the preparation and/or shipping process has not been started. If we haven't started preparing it yet, the system allows you to enter the modifier. In case of any doubt or if you need assistance from us, please contact our Customer Service team.
  • If the order has already been prepared or sent, you can return after delivery. Subject to the conditions and policy of returns and refunds.

Call Our Store

(+34) 911940648


Working hours of our store:

On weekdays:



from 8:00 to 21:00

from 9:00 to 20:00

from 10:00 to 19:00


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